Baltimore City software development fellowship launches

Baltimore's Inner Harbor at sunset.

Put our talent to work

For 20 years, Catalyte has advocated for the inherent greatness of Baltimore and how much untapped technology talent this city contains. Today, we take a major step forward to unleashing that potential and putting it to direct use to improve the lives of all residents.

In conjunction with Baltimore City and Baltimore Corps, we’ve launched a Technology and Software Development Fellowship that will create equitable and family-sustaining technology careers, build a sustainable talent pipeline for city agencies, improve community health outcomes and help modernize Baltimore’s IT infrastructure.

You can read more details in the press release here and in additional media coverage below.

This is an amazing opportunity to showcase the hidden tech talent that exists in Baltimore. We can create a self-sustaining, interconnected cycle of improvement that uplifts individuals, families, communities and the whole city. Baltimore takes care of its own, and is now doing so with the talent to compete against any tech hub in the country.

Additional media coverage

  • Baltimore Business Journal: Catalyte trains Baltimore residents to be software developers, city employees through new partnership
  • Baltimore city government launches fellowship program to train city residents for software development roles
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